Elevator Preventative Maintenance and Elevator Repair. New York Elevator Service. New York Elevator Repair. Long Island Elevator Service. Long Island Elevator Repair. Hydraulic Elevator Service. Hydraulic Elevator Repair. #otiselevator

Preventative maintenance ensures fewer shutdowns and less costly repairs—our maintenance packages allow our skilled and experienced technicians to get to know your elevator and ensure your machines are always running at the highest standards in safety and performance.

We tailor our preventative maintenance packages to fit the need of every customer. Our maintenance team is happy to discuss your elevator and determine the best package for you. We offer Full-Service / Monthly (most popular), quarterly, and bi-annual service agreements. During visits a qualified service technician will go over the entire elevator from top to bottom, ensuring everything is operating smoothly.

Our qualified service technicians undertake all repairs. Discounted rates are offered to all elevators under current service contracts. If there is a problem with your elevator contact us for 24/7 assistance!

Does your elevator need maintenance or service?

which service package is right for me?

  • Our most popular maintenance package. Great deal for moderate-high use elevators.

  • Quarterly service is perfect for low-use commercial elevators, and high-use residential elevators.

  • Annual service packages are only recommended for low-use residential elevators.